Paris, France
/Photo Accreditation: Kagan, A. (2019). Paris France. Unsplash.
When studying the barriers surrounding immigration, it is always heartbreaking to hear about the many credentials barriers that bar people from living the life they expected in their chosen country of immigration.
This is why SINGA, an international organisation of Parisian origins, is such a breath of fresh air. Instead of focusing on the information gap that so often bars immigrants from reaching their full potential (Monteiro, 2022, p. 25), they aim to create a more inclusive society by uniting locals and newcomers (specifically asylum seekers and those with refugee status) to work on professional entrepreneurial projects (SINGA, n.d, Home section). Switching the “us” vs “them” narrative to one that values diversity of experience, as invaluable sets a standard of innovation that has earned the organization great acclaim, thanks to their collaborative and innovative mindset when working with over 320 startups (SINGA, n.d, Home section).
Understanding that everyone brings something to the table allows us to work better, deconstruct barriers, and become richly innovative in the work that we do! SINGA is setting a fantastic example of how to make credentials less of a stumbling block for newcomers, and I think we should be taking notes.
-Meara K.-