Newcomer Day: An innovative program made for newcomers and immigrants in the city of Toronto
/[Photograph of Toronto Newcomer Day]. (2022). CityNews
When looking at the list of most exemplar cities I researched, the most progressive one when it comes to welcoming in and helping newcomers be well adjusted was the city of Toronto in Ontario, Canada. This is notable due to how it is considered as one of the most multicultural urban areas in the world and how each year tens of thousands of newcomers from around the globe choose the city as their new home. Their diverse cultures and communities have helped create Toronto’s identity as a vibrant global city according to the city of Toronto’s site.
With this considered it is also notable to mention that when it comes to how newcomers and immigrants can get help in adjusting to their new relocation. A good resource available to them is the City of Toronto's website. Not only is it very helpful in giving step to step guides for information and resources on before and after getting here. It is also inclusive by giving the option for users to translate the site into their own language. This was very interesting to see and is a good initiative in helping users navigate the system when relocating and attaining the resources they need in an efficient way that works for them.
Lastly, another interesting initiative the city of Toronto carries in helping newcomers and immigrants gain support, resources, and connection is their newcomer day. Since 2015 the city has held a yearly event which is an annual celebration that takes place in May to welcome newcomers to the city, assist them in learning about and gaining access to a wide range of services, and acknowledge their contributions to the city. All citizens are invited to join in welcoming newcomers to Toronto with activities and entertainment at this showcase of Toronto’s diverse communities. The next one will be held on May 25th, 2023, if interested go to the city of Toronto’s site for more information.
Overall, this assignment was very informative and insightful and was interesting to see how different cities cater to and help support newcomers and immigrants get well adjusted. It was a great steppingstone for our next assignment and is good research and inspiration to look back on when we are developing and creating ideas for what can be possible in our city. For when it comes to the barriers newcomers face and the solutions which should be made.
-Danayal P.-